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Great news ! Tech Generation is conducting a FREE comprehensive, informative Open House on January 13, 2018 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm

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Click here to Register: OR by calling 8847-559-0232.

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We can’t wait to have you.

Thank you,

Address: 1600 Golf Rd #1200, Rolling Meadows, IL
Phone #: 847-559-0232

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automation testing in Cook County, Illinois, United States


Just as the name stated, online college degree programs are courses, college or university degrees which are recognized as a degree of higher education when it is completed.

To be able to earn this type of diploma or degree, you can enrol for distance learning and don’t have to physically attend a university or college. The course, diploma or degree is presented online which allows you to work from any place, whether it is your home or office if you have access to a reliable internet connection.

Often different terms are used describing these educational actions. Most frequently used are online distance learning, online education or E-Learning. However, an organization called the Degrees Board eludes to use above-mentioned terms because it can easily be misinterpreted.

Furthermore, online education or E-Learning usually covers educational activities which don’t result in obtaining a diploma or degree which is recognized worldwide. This can be anything from an online computer course, language or decorating course etc. of different quality and not administered by an accredited institution.

It is of the utmost importance to be certain that the online diploma or degree course you want to enrol for via distance learning are meeting the following requirements:

It should be accredited – which requires that either a regional or national
organization or agency controls the quality of the college degree.

A recognized institution should administer it.

To ensure that after completing the online degree or diploma it will be
 a widely recognized qualification.

 Information regarding the programs which met all the above-mentioned demands is provided by the Degrees Board. You should take into account that if some of these demands are not met, you are wasting your energy, money and time.

Before you enrol at an online educational institution you should have done all your homework regarding the requirements you have to meet for the college or university diploma or degree in which you are interested and want to pursue. You should make sure that it is the correct online course which will count as higher education in your specific field of work to bring about progress in your current career.

Online distance learning offers everyone the opportunity to further their education, whether you are working full-time or part-time. However, to study via distance learning will demand a lot of dedication, devotion and self-discipline, but it will give you the golden chance to earn while you study, enabling you to pay for your own studies while fulfilling other responsibilities too.

Another benefit is that it is more affordable to study online than in the traditional manner. You will be the one who set the pace and progress of your studies. You can also if highly dedicated, acquire your online degree quicker than traditionally. It is possible to earn your degree within two years where conventionally it would take four years.

To study through an online educational faculty will give you the freedom to choose where you want to enrol for your studies, as distance will be no problem. Just be certain that the online college or university is, like stated before, accredited and recognized worldwide and that you are eligible for this degree or diploma.

In the era of technology online college degree programs are perfect for working adults or anyone who could not complete their degree or diploma for one or other reason. This amazing opportunity makes it possible for any dedicated and self-disciplined prospective student to acquire that degree to make your career dreams come true!

How Can You Avail Scholarship in 3 weeks?

For all prospective students apply for scholarships, it can look like a daunting and difficult process and although the requirements for every scholarship will not be alike, many of the guidelines are usually the same. We gathered some tips to make the scholarship process easier.

What to expect

By this time you will know that students have to compete for a scholarship and if you want to be a successful candidate you should commit yourself to the process. Initially it is important to learn all you can where the application process is concerned and put in the necessary time and devotion.

Be organized

As stated above, scholarships have different requirements and to help you to keep track and be organized in the application process we advise you to create a system for yourself. We suggest a calendar and a tracking tool which can list the specific scholarship you are interested in as well as application requirements and eligibility. The deadlines of the scholarships can be stated on the calendar and can serve as a reminder to revisit the closed scholarships later again.

Make the time

The applying and finding of scholarships are time consuming, so you should make time if you want a scholarship. Obviously the first application will take more time, afterwards its more plain sailing as you have all the needed information ready.

Search everywhere

Never limit yourself to one or two resources. Act like a real entrepreneur and try all avenues like newsletters, newspapers, social media, libraries, foundations in your community, scholarship databases, professional associations, even your neighbour and church.

Seek on a regular basis

The most opportunities will be found from January to April, but keep looking through the year as scholarships can open and close at any time. For closed scholarships, set a follow-up date on your calendar and revisit such a scholarship in four to six months whilst making sure that you still qualify according to the eligibility criteria.

Only apply if you qualify according to the eligibility criteria

As every scholarship have eligibility criteria, make sure that you qualify and never make assumptions. Contact the provider of such a scholarship if you have questions. Don’t waste your time if you don’t meet the criteria.

Start to prepare for the process of application

Prepare yourself and touch up on the areas which you need to improve in. Assess your written communication skills, GPA, networking and your involvement in the community etc.

“Polish” your online image

Scholarship providers and donators will do an online search to find information about the applicants. We suggest you Google your name and take off anything that can spoil your chances to acquire a scholarship from all applicable social media sites. Fill out the applications by using a professional email-address.

Follow instructions

Carefully read all instructions when filling out the application. Ensure that the application is professional as it is a reflection of you. You will be disqualified if you don’t follow directions.


Applications, resumes, essays and all relevant documents must be mistake-free. Ask a friend to do the proofreading to eliminate any errors. Use a student website like CWE (Centre for Writing-Excellence) to render assistance to create a perfect application.

Apply for various scholarships

Apply for an abundance of scholarships. This will increase your chances to obtain an award and will improve your skills by repeatedly filling out scholarship applications. We recommend you write essays and ask for recommendation letters.

Find your “plus factor”

Find your “plus factor” which makes you stand out from the crowd and then flash it! We suggest that you make a list of skills or things which are special or unique about you. This is needed to create a bright image of yourself for the providers or donators.

Taking into account common characteristics of students acquiring scholarships, responsibility is a major feature which permeates in their profiles.

We believe that if you take the above-mentioned tips into consideration when you apply for scholarships, you will be successful, indeed.


 With the age of technology came so many wonderful opportunities and now there is a wide variety of online college degree programs available in almost all the fields in the professional labour market. To obtain a degree through online distance learning institutions can enable prospective students to complete their degrees in only two years in comparison to four years in a traditional educational institution.

Another great benefit to enrol online for a qualification is that you can work, while you learn which enable you to pay for your own studies. This also gives you the privilege to work at your own pace from the privacy of your own home. Distance learning is a great benefit for adults who for one or other reason did not complete their qualification to improve their education in their field of work to become eligible for that most wanted promotional position.

Opting for an online course is much more affordable than the traditional way, which can be extremely expensive. Online distance learning give you the opportunity to study abroad without having to pay for the cost of an air ticket, living expenses, insurance for students who study in another country, which can save a tremendous amount of money.

Online education also gives a student so much flexibility, whether you are working part-time or full-time and allows you to study within your time frame, budget and own schedule. However, if you choose to acquire that most coveted degree through online distance learning you should get focused and practice self-discipline and dedication to obtain your qualification in your planned time frame, which can be much quicker than at a traditional training institution.

Some online programs which require some practical training usually have their arrangements with other local organizations to enable students to complete the course while other programs will require you to attend the college or university for a short period. We advise you to do thorough research when you are deciding for which online college or university program you want to enrol. Decide on three to four institutions and do the cost comparison because some online programs can be more expensive than others. We advise you to browse the Internet and do your research to select your three to four online colleges or universities and do your comparison research.

It is important to establish whether the online degree, for which you are enrolling, is recognized and accredited within the private and public sector of employment as well as within other industries. A good idea is to do some research about the institution’s reputation to ensure that your online qualification is of an excellent quality which will be respected by co-workers and employers.

These online degrees are especially designed to offer students comprehensive career and job information and online distance training offers courses which can range from your basic programs, Bachelors, Masters as well as PhD degrees. Assessing the advantages of online distance education, which includes a quicker more convenient way, the cost and flexibility - to work while you are studying, the possibility to study abroad etc., online college degree programs is definitely the way to go and you have a wide variety to choose from.



We are living in the most amazing age where technology are making the previously unthinkable possible. With this comes the wonderful opportunity for people who could not afford a higher education at a traditional institution, to study at online colleges and universities since the miracle of the Internet!

Completing an online degree quicker

Through online distance learning you can study for any diploma course or university degree which will also enable you to complete your qualification much quicker than at a traditional on-campus institution. Where it usually takes about four years to complete a Bachelors degree, you can do it in two years if you are dedicated and focused. However acquiring online degrees are for the self motivated students.

Available online qualifications

Now you can enrol for a diversity of online courses like Bachelors-, Masters- & PHD degrees. Whether you working in the field of Business, Arts & Computers sciences, Culinary Arts, Tourism or Health Administration.  To study through online distance learning has many benefits. While you are working, you can study part time which will give you the opportunity to do it in you own time while still earning a salary and be able to pay for your own studies.

Some benefits of online-studies

Enrolling for an online degree or diploma is much less expensive than studying at a traditional university or college which you must attend full-time on campus. The flexibility online-studies offer is great, because you can study on your own time and complete your assignments in the privacy of your office or home. It is also a fact that is much more affordable to study through online distance learning than at a traditional educational institution.

Study Abroad through online-education

Now students from all over the world can study abroad through distance learning, which was impossible before the miracle of the Internet. Previously they had to travel to the country of their choice and live in such country until the completion of their degree or diploma. This was extremely expensive as they had to pay for travelling costs, living expenses, high tuition fees and many other payments relating to their education. They also had to apply for their study visa and adapt to a whole new environment.

With online education the cost to acquire an overseas degree has reduced extremely. Online tuition-fees are much cheaper in general and students save a lot of money on other expenses like airfare tickets, living costs, etc. All costs are paid in their local currency which is many times a great benefit taking the economic conditions into consideration. Many students can still do part time work and earn some extra money while they can attend their online classes from their workplace or home or any other place where they can access the Internet.

Choosing an online-program and institution

When you are sure about the online-course you want to enrol for, you can browse the Internet to find all the available distance learning institutions. It is advisable to narrow it down to between two to four colleges or universities. Now you can do a comparison regarding the costs as some degrees or programs may be more expensive than others. Then you can choose the one who fits your budget best.

Accreditation and Recognition

It is important to verify that the online learning institution you choose must be accredited, ensuring that you are studying for a quality degree or diploma.

It should also be administered by an institution which is recognized.

We believe that whether you are working part-time or full-time and want to acquire that specialized degree applicable to your field of work, enrolling at one of the online colleges and universities available for distance learning, you can make your dreams come true with devotion and dedication