How Can You Avail Scholarship in 3 weeks?

For all prospective students apply for scholarships, it can look like a daunting and difficult process and although the requirements for every scholarship will not be alike, many of the guidelines are usually the same. We gathered some tips to make the scholarship process easier.

What to expect

By this time you will know that students have to compete for a scholarship and if you want to be a successful candidate you should commit yourself to the process. Initially it is important to learn all you can where the application process is concerned and put in the necessary time and devotion.

Be organized

As stated above, scholarships have different requirements and to help you to keep track and be organized in the application process we advise you to create a system for yourself. We suggest a calendar and a tracking tool which can list the specific scholarship you are interested in as well as application requirements and eligibility. The deadlines of the scholarships can be stated on the calendar and can serve as a reminder to revisit the closed scholarships later again.

Make the time

The applying and finding of scholarships are time consuming, so you should make time if you want a scholarship. Obviously the first application will take more time, afterwards its more plain sailing as you have all the needed information ready.

Search everywhere

Never limit yourself to one or two resources. Act like a real entrepreneur and try all avenues like newsletters, newspapers, social media, libraries, foundations in your community, scholarship databases, professional associations, even your neighbour and church.

Seek on a regular basis

The most opportunities will be found from January to April, but keep looking through the year as scholarships can open and close at any time. For closed scholarships, set a follow-up date on your calendar and revisit such a scholarship in four to six months whilst making sure that you still qualify according to the eligibility criteria.

Only apply if you qualify according to the eligibility criteria

As every scholarship have eligibility criteria, make sure that you qualify and never make assumptions. Contact the provider of such a scholarship if you have questions. Don’t waste your time if you don’t meet the criteria.

Start to prepare for the process of application

Prepare yourself and touch up on the areas which you need to improve in. Assess your written communication skills, GPA, networking and your involvement in the community etc.

“Polish” your online image

Scholarship providers and donators will do an online search to find information about the applicants. We suggest you Google your name and take off anything that can spoil your chances to acquire a scholarship from all applicable social media sites. Fill out the applications by using a professional email-address.

Follow instructions

Carefully read all instructions when filling out the application. Ensure that the application is professional as it is a reflection of you. You will be disqualified if you don’t follow directions.


Applications, resumes, essays and all relevant documents must be mistake-free. Ask a friend to do the proofreading to eliminate any errors. Use a student website like CWE (Centre for Writing-Excellence) to render assistance to create a perfect application.

Apply for various scholarships

Apply for an abundance of scholarships. This will increase your chances to obtain an award and will improve your skills by repeatedly filling out scholarship applications. We recommend you write essays and ask for recommendation letters.

Find your “plus factor”

Find your “plus factor” which makes you stand out from the crowd and then flash it! We suggest that you make a list of skills or things which are special or unique about you. This is needed to create a bright image of yourself for the providers or donators.

Taking into account common characteristics of students acquiring scholarships, responsibility is a major feature which permeates in their profiles.

We believe that if you take the above-mentioned tips into consideration when you apply for scholarships, you will be successful, indeed.

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